Saturday, July 21, 2007

All good things must come to a start

The IS group is an informal group of scientists and other related individuals that meets periodically in the New Haven, Connecticut area to discuss cutting edge issues in science, technology, and culture, and to foster innovative research collaborations across multiple institutions. The group was founded in the early 1980s by Philip Rubin and Elliot Saltzman.

The IS ("Interesting Stuff") group got started, in part, because it provided us with an informal opportunity to read stuff that we really wanted to read but would otherwise never get a chance to (science fiction, comic books, nonlinear dynamics, evolution, complexity, biology, fractals, ontology, connectionism, faith healing, etc.). Equally important, the meetings are one of the few chances that we get to eat quality junk food and watch really crappy movies.

Simon Levy maintains a website that provides details about the upcoming meeting and archives some of our previous meetings. Contact him for additional information about the group. This blog is being launched on a trial basis in conjunction with our meeting scheduled for Monday, July 23, 2007 (theme: The Pirahã Controversy). The blog will include information related to the discussions that take place at our meetings and the suggested readings. The blog will also let meeting participants propose future readings and topics, and discuss movies, news, books, graphics novels, academic articles, and other interesting stuff that we feel would be on interest to our participants and other like minds. Welcome aboard!

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