Monday, March 17, 2008


I received a note this morning from my friend and fellow Brandeisian, Elliot S! Maggin. He has decided to put his latest novel online. Elliot is a writer of comics, film, and television, and is best known for being the principal writer of Superman from 1971 to 1986. About the new book, Elliot says, "It's a fantasy story called Lancer and it's been kicking around in my head for a very long time. I thought to write it as a short parable, a graphic novel, a novella, a full-length novel, as a screenplay, and for one reason or other I've never gotten it out the door. I'm putting the first two chapters out there free and clear, the first one today and the second (plans are) two weeks from Sunday. After that, I'll post the remaining twenty or so chapters in two-week intervals for about a buck a download. You'll still be on your honor, but my friends and colleagues are a notably honorable bunch." If you are interested, visit Elliot's website at and click on the icon on the left of Elliot's webpage (the same picture as the one shown here). I highly recommend anything written by Elliot -- you won't be disappointed!

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