Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Extreme Audiophiles Take Microphones to Next Level

The anechoic chamber at the Josephson Engineering facility in Santa Cruz, California, is featured in a Feb. 8, 2011 article by Matthew Schechmeister in WIRED Raw File. If you are in the New Haven, Connecticut area, and want to see an anechoic chamber in person, make arrangements to visit Haskins Laboratories and perhaps they will be able to show you their facility. Thanks and a hat tip to RSC for drawing our attention to this story. (Photo: Jim Merithew/Wired.com)


anechoic chamber said...

The Anechoic chamber at IRCAM in Paris. My first experience of such a space. Nothing prepared me for it. Nothing I read or heard about prepared me for the moment the exit door closed. Never before have I felt such a dislocation between what my eyes were telling my brain and what my ears were telling my brain. It was incredible. Amazing, then relaxing then…it became terrifying.

EMSCAN real-time results said...

I think it would be easier if you thought of sound measurement in dBs as equivalent to temperature measurement in degrees. Especially Fahrenheit. 0 degrees Fahrenheit isn't the absolute lack of motion by molecules, -278F is. 0dB is absolute silence perceived by the human ear, as the article suggests.