Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Friston and The Knowledge

It's 2020 for goodness' sake.  Those of you who read The Book of Dave remember Dave acquiring The Knowledge.
Friston first became a heroic figure in academia for devising many of the most important tools that have made human brains legible to science. In 1990 he invented statistical parametric mapping, a computational technique that helps—as one neuroscientist put it—“squash and squish” brain images into a consistent shape so that researchers can do apples-to-apples comparisons of activity within different crania. Out of statistical parametric mapping came a corollary called voxel-­based morphometry, an imaging technique that was used in one famous study to show that the rear side of the hippocampus of London taxi drivers grew as they learned “the knowledge.”
from a Wired article on Friston and the free energy principle.


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